
Below is a showcase of our work produced in collaboration with researchers, science funders, and research institutions worldwide.

New Numbers for Old Questions

By Evgeny Klochikhin

New Numbers for Old Questions

In this piece for Research Fortnight, we discuss how to make science metrics more ‘scientific’ and use them to better inform science policy. Workforce and regional development and scientific taxonomies are among the major subjects of analysis.

Oct 2014


Ethnics, Science, Technology, and Engineering: A Global Resource


Julia Lane and Rebecca Rosen contributed an entry on the STAR METRICS program to the second edition of the Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics (ESTE).

Washington, D.C. Sep 2014


Increasing the Value of US Patent Data


The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in collaboration with the American Institutes for Research is developing a public patent data visualization tool intended to increase the value, utility, and transparency of US patent data.

Washington, D.C. Feb 2015

Researchers’ skills have yet to catch up with Big Data

By Evgeny Klochikhin

Researchers’ skills have yet to catch up with Big Data

In this piece for Research Fortnight, CSSIP researcher discusses challenges and opportunities for Big Data in science policy and looks into the core skills required for tackling these complex tasks.

Mar 2014


Institute Nacional du Cancer (INCa) and Observatoire de Sciences et des Techniques (OST)


HELIOS stands for HEaLth Investments ObServatory. It is a collaboration between the Observatoire des Sciences et des Techniques (OST), l’Institut National du Cancer (INCa) and Inserm/Aviesan cancer Institute with the American Institutes for Research (AIR) in Washington, DC. It is an ongoing effort to provide new understandings of the French cancer research portfolio, the researchers performing the science, and their accomplishments.

Wasghinton, D.C. Mar 2014

PatentsView II

Web tool to explore US patent data

PatentsView II

PatentsView is a collaborative initiative with the US Patent and Trademark Office, UC Berkeley, and Periscopic, Inc. The team has generated a new patent data visualization tool and to increase the value, utility, and transparency of US patent data. The disambiguated USPTO database will be an open, community resource.

Washington, D.C. Mar 2014